Pharmacy Information and Tools
HealthKeepers, Inc. administers its pharmacy benefit and establishes prior authorization requirements in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. CarelonRx is the pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) for Anthem HealthKeepers Plus members in Virginia.
Cardinal Care and FAMIS formularies
The Anthem HealthKeepers Plus drug formularies contain a comprehensive list of drugs in commonly prescribed therapeutic categories, including preferred and non-preferred drugs, and drugs requiring prior authorization.
Cardinal Care Medicaid Searchable Formulary
Pharmacy prior authorizations
Some drugs or categories of drugs have a dedicated prior authorization form listed under the Pharmacy option on our Forms page. If no drug-specific form is available, please use the following general form.
Fax to:
Retail pharmacy
Fax to:
Medical injectable
Pharmacy contacts
Call Provider Services
Contact our pharmacy department for claims processing, prior authorization or formulary questions.
Anthem HealthKeepers Plus
Call CarelonRx
Contact CarelonRx for assistance with pharmacy point-of-sale (POS) or pharmacy claim questions.
Related information
CarelonRx, Inc. is an independent company providing pharmacy benefit management services and some utilization review services on behalf of HealthKeepers, Inc.
Provider tools & resources
- Log in to Availity
- Launch Provider Learning Hub Now
- Learn About Availity
- Prior Authorization Lookup Tool
- Prior Authorization Requirements
- Claims Overview
- Member Eligibility & Pharmacy Overview
- Policies, Guidelines & Manuals
- Referrals
- Forms
- Provider Training Academy
- Pharmacy Information
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)