Joining our network is easy!

We’re glad to hear that you are interested in joining our network.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) has a diverse network of exceptional healthcare professionals who help to ensure our members have uninterrupted access to the healthcare they need.

You make your patients' lives better. We'll do the same for you.

Our precertification, referrals, claims, and payment processes are streamlined to help you focus on what you do best — caring for your patients.

You will receive an application number following successful completion of the provider enrollment application. Use this application number when contacting Anthem to check the status of your network participation request. Anthem will notify you within five business days if your application is determined to be incomplete.

If you are an existing provider group and wish to make a demographic change such as updating your address or telephone number, or if you would like to remove a practitioner from your practice, please submit a Provider Maintenance Form .

Page Last Updated: 1/24/2025

Provider tools & resources

Interested in becoming a provider in our network?

We look forward to working with you to provide quality services to our members.