Patient care overview
Here you will find helpful information related to different areas of patient care, including behavioral health, maternal child services, and our Condition Care program.
Behavioral health
The Behavioral Health provider network of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, other mental health providers and employee assistance healthcare professionals. Our facility network includes hospital inpatient units, residential treatment centers, partial hospitalization programs, and intensive outpatient services and programs.
Maternal child services
When it comes to our pregnant members, we are committed to keeping both mom and baby healthy. That’s why we encourage all our moms-to-be to take part in our New Baby, New LifeSM program, which is a comprehensive, proactive case management and care coordination program for all expectant mothers and their newborns.
Condition Care
Our Condition Care (CC) program is based on a system of coordinated care management interventions and communications designed to assist physicians and other providers in managing members with chronic conditions.
Provider tools & resources
- Log in to Availity
- Launch Provider Learning Hub
- Learn about Availity
- Prior Authorization Lookup Tool
- Prior Authorization Requirements
- Claims Overview
- Reimbursement Policies
- Provider Manuals, Policies & Guidelines
- Referrals
- Provider Training Academy
- Forms
- Pharmacy Information
- Provider News & Announcements